Saint Coleman Church Podcast

A podcast from your parish, Saint Coleman in Pompano Beach


The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 5 Part 1

Join us in this enlightening episode of "Know Your Faith" we Father Michael Garcia as we journey through the opening verses of Matthew Chapter 5. We explore the significance of the Beatitudes in the context of the Gospel, deconstructing notions of recompense theology and highlighting the pivotal shift Jesus introduces in understanding rewards and salvation. Delving into Jesus's sermons delivered from a high hill near Capernaum, we discover the richness of Biblical symbolism and geographic context. We also explore how Jesus emerges as the fulfiller, not abolisher, of the law, enhancing the moral aspects that bind faith and action inseparably. This episode is the first of a multi-part look at the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 5.


  • In beginning of this study of Chapter 5, Fr. Michael reminds us that the Gospel of Matthew Chapters 5-7 contain the core teachings of Jesus
  • In the Beatitudes, Jesus teaches about the blessings of humility, mourning, meekness, hungering for righteousness, mercy, purity of heart, peacemaking, and enduring persecution.
  • Jesus's teachings are seen as a fulfillment of the law of Moses, focusing not on material wealth or poverty, but on spiritual humility and righteousness. This reflects a call for conversion and self-surrender to God's will.
  • Jesus's emphasizes action. His followers are expected to act upon their faith. This includes sharing the gospel and performing good works, seen as inseparable from salvation.
  • Jesus is portrayed as a fulfiller rather than an abolisher of the law and the prophets. This fulfillment does not eliminate the moral aspects of the law; rather, it enhances them.
  • Jesus addresses the crowd from a mountain and this elevated location is symbolic as it recalls in the Old Testament where God would often speak to people from high places.