Saint Coleman Church Podcast

A podcast from your parish, Saint Coleman in Pompano Beach


Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 9

In Chapter 9 of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus continued to perform miracles and reveal his Messianic authority. From healing a paralytic and forgiving his sins to calling Matthew, the tax collector, to be his apostle, Jesus demonstrates compassion and the power to restore dignity. In this episode, we explore the significance of faith and witness the profound encounters between Jesus and individuals seeking healing.


  • In Chapter 9 of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus returns to his hometown of Capernaum after visiting the pagan territory. A paralytic is brought to Jesus, and instead of healing him immediately, Jesus forgives his sins, restoring his dignity. Some scribes accuse Jesus of blasphemy for forgiving sins, but Jesus demonstrates his authority by healing the paralytic.
  • Jesus encounters Matthew, a tax collector, and calls him to be one of his apostles. Jesus dines with tax collectors and sinners, causing controversy among the Pharisees who question his associations.
  • A ruler pleads for Jesus to heal his dead daughter, while a woman suffering from hemorrhages for 12 years touches Jesus' garment and is healed. Jesus raises the ruler's daughter from the dead, instructing those present not to publicize the miracle.
  • Two blind men cry out for mercy and Jesus restores their sight, leaving the crowd astonished. The Pharisees accuse Jesus of casting out demons through the prince of demons.
  • esus travels, teaching, preaching, and healing diseases and infirmities in various cities and villages. Jesus expresses compassion for the crowds, comparing them to sheep without a shepherd, and urges his disciples to pray for more laborers in spreading the gospel.