Saint Coleman Church Podcast

A podcast from your parish, Saint Coleman in Pompano Beach


Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 14

On the Saint Coleman Podcast we're continuing our study of the Gospel of Matthew. In Chapter 14, we read about John the Baptist's tragic fate and the awe-inspiring miracle of Jesus walking on water.


  • Herod had John the Baptist imprisoned because John had criticized Herod for marrying his brother Philip's wife, Herodias, which was against Jewish law. Herod wanted to kill John but feared the people who regarded John as a prophet. On Herod's birthday, Herodias' daughter pleased him by dancing, and he promised to give her anything she wanted. Prompted by her mother, the daughter asked for John the Baptist's head on a platter, and Herod, bound by his oath and his guests, ordered John to be beheaded. John's disciples buried his body and informed Jesus of his death. Jesus, upon hearing about John's death, withdrew to a lonely place by boat, but the crowds followed him on foot.
  • Jesus had compassion on the crowds, healed their sick, and decided to feed them. The disciples expressed concern about the lack of food, but Jesus challenged them to provide for the people themselves.
  • The disciples had only five loaves of bread and two fish, but Jesus blessed and multiplied the food, feeding thousands of people. The disciples collected twelve baskets of leftover pieces, symbolizing the twelve tribes of Israel.
  • Jesus sent the disciples ahead in a boat while he dismissed the crowds and went up into the hills to pray. The disciples encountered strong winds and waves while crossing the sea. Jesus came to them walking on the water, and at first, they thought he was a ghost. Peter asked Jesus to command him to come to him on the water, and Jesus allowed him to walk on the water. Peter started sinking when he focused on the wind instead of Jesus, but Jesus rescued him. When they got into the boat, the wind ceased, and the disciples worshiped Jesus, acknowledging him as the Son of God.