Saint Coleman Church Podcast

A podcast from your parish, Saint Coleman in Pompano Beach


Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 19 Part 2

Check out Father Michael's insights from the latest episode of "Know Your Faith" as we delve into part 2 of The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 19. This episode focuses on the significant interactions between Jesus and a young man seeking eternal life, the teachings on the approach to God's kingdom, and the concept of radical discipleship. Listen as we discuss how the Disciples grappled with Jesus's call to sacrifice worldly attachments for the Kingdom of God and His promise of their heavenly rewards. We'll also uncover the symbolism behind the notorious 'camel through the eye of a needle' analogy.'


  • Recap of Matthew Chapter 19 up to verse 13.
  • The significance of Jesus' interaction with children and his teaching about approaching the kingdom of God with complete dependence.
  • Verse 16 introduces a man asking Jesus about the path to eternal life. Jesus' response emphasizes the importance of observing divine laws over just the Law of Moses.
  • The concept of 'radical discipleship' as demonstrated by Jesus' call to the young man to sell his possessions and follow Him. Reflection on the potential of the young man if he had been able to relinquish his wealth.v
  • Discussion of Jesus' extreme statement on the difficulty for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven and the analogy of a camel going through the eye of a needle.
  • Explanation of Jesus' statement that salvation is possible with God's grace. Reflection on the disciples' reaction and their own sacrifices to follow Jesus. Examination of Jesus' promise to the disciples about their positions in the kingdom of heaven.