Saint Coleman Church Podcast

A podcast from your parish, Saint Coleman in Pompano Beach


Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 21 Part 2

Know Your Faith" dives into the deeper parts of Matthew Chapter 21 in this week's episode. We explore Jesus' return to Jerusalem and the tension it stirs among the religious leaders. We analyze the parables Jesus uses to reprimand the Pharisees and Sadducees for their misuse of power and hypocrisy. Learn about Jesus' prophetic teachings hinting at his future crucifixion and understand how he serves as the new Adam, restoring humanity through complete obedience to God. Join us as we journey through these profound narratives and apply these spiritual lessons to our everyday lives. Tune in, reflect, and deepen your faith with us.


  • Jesus returns to Jerusalem, leading to friction with the Pharisees and Sadducees, especially due to his actions in the temple where he confronted money changers and animal sellers.
  • The authority of Jesus is questioned by the temple leaders. Using their question as a platform, Jesus expertly redirects the query towards the authority of John the Baptist, leaving them confounded.
  • The parable of the two sons is used by Jesus to illustrate the concept of true obedience and repentance, stating that tax collectors and harlots, who believed and repented, will enter God's kingdom before the unrepentant religious leaders.
  • Jesus shares another parable, the tenants of the vineyard, to warn the religious leaders about their misuse of the trust God placed in them. They don't realize that the parable is about them and their mistreatment of God's prophets, culminating in the murder of God's son.
  • Jesus continues his teaching by referencing the stone rejected by builders, a prophetic nod towards his own rejection and crucifixion. He asserts that the kingdom of God will be given to those who produce its fruits.
  • Towards the end of Matthew 21, the Pharisees and Sadducees perceive that Jesus' teachings are about them. They plan to arrest him but fear the crowd who regard Jesus as a prophet. Jesus' bold confrontations signify the beginning of the end for him. His sacrificial journey is part of God's plan for salvation, with Jesus as the new Adam, restoring humanity through his complete obedience to God.