Saint Coleman Church Podcast

A podcast from your parish, Saint Coleman in Pompano Beach


Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 26 Part 1

In this episode of Fr. Michael's study of the Gospel of Matthew, we explore the beginning of the Lord's Passion, the scheming of the chief priests and elders, and the profound act of a woman anointing Jesus with precious ointment. We discuss the significance of the Passover Feast and the symbolism behind unleavened bread, drawing parallels between the Old Testament Exodus story and the New Testament accounts.


  • Matthew 26 formally begins the Lord's Passion, a significant event in Christianity that includes the Last Supper and Jesus' crucifixion. Jesus foretells his own death to his disciples. The chief priests and elders gather to plot Jesus' arrest and execution, aiming to do so secretly due to fear of public backlash.
  • The chapter mentions the Passover feast, a Jewish commemoration of their deliverance from Egypt, and how the elders want to avoid any unrest during this significant period. Jesus visits Bethany, near Jerusalem, where a woman anoints his head with expensive ointment, a ritual typically performed on deceased bodies, indicating the preparation for his death. The disciples, specifically Judas Iscariot in other Gospels, question the use of the expensive ointment instead of selling it for the benefit of the poor. Jesus defends the woman's actions, stating her act will be remembered and linked to his impending death.
  • The chapter highlights the idea that the presence of poverty is linked to sin and that selling all the assets of the Church would not solve poverty because sin will always exist.
  • The chapter moves on to the first day of Unleavened Bread, part of the Passover tradition. This is linked to the Exodus story, where the Israelites had to leave Egypt in such a hurry they could not wait for the bread to rise.
  • The tradition of sacrificing a lamb during the Passover is related to Jesus being the sacrificial "Lamb" who is crucified on the cross, fulfilling the prophecy and providing salvation for humanity.
  • Matthew's narrative depicts Jesus as the new Moses, linking to the chapter of the Transfiguration.