Saint Coleman Church Podcast

A podcast from your parish, Saint Coleman in Pompano Beach


Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 26 Part 2

In this enlightening episode of Fr Michael's study of the Gospel of Matthew, we dive deeper into Chapter 26, where Jesus is charged with blasphemy after equating himself with God and the subsequent mockery. We also take a look at Peter's three-times denial of Jesus.


  • Jesus leads His apostles to the Garden of Gethsemane, an olive grove on the Mount of Olives. Some of the olive trees present during Jesus' time are still standing in the garden today. Jesus goes to the garden to pray, anticipating His impending arrest and betrayal by Judas. The garden's name, Gethsemane, meaning "oil press," symbolizes the pressing tribulations Jesus is about to face.
  • esus prays fervently, expressing His sorrow and asking God to spare Him from the upcoming ordeal if possible, yet submitting to God's will. This moment demonstrates Jesus' humanity and His commitment to fulfilling God's plan. Jesus finds His disciples sleeping and rebukes them, asking them to watch and pray with Him
  • A parallel is drawn between Adam's temptation in the Garden of Eden and Jesus' temptation in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus, as the "new Adam," successfully resists temptation, in contrast to Adam's failure.
  • Jesus is betrayed by Judas, who identifies Jesus to the Temple guards with a kiss. Jesus is arrested, and all His disciples flee. Despite His ability to summon divine intervention, Jesus willingly submits to His arrest, fulfilling scriptural prophecies.
  • Jesus is taken to Caiaphas, the high priest, and is put on trial before the religious leaders. False witnesses accuse Jesus, but He remains silent, again fulfilling prophecy. Jesus equates himself with God, something considered blasphemous by the Jewish high priests and elders. The high priest accuses Jesus of blasphemy and declares he deserves death according to Mosaic law. While Jesus is being judged, Peter is outside in the courtyard denying that he knows Jesus. A maid accuses Peter of being with Jesus but he denies it. Another maid accuses Peter, to which he denies knowing Jesus again, this time with an oath. Bystanders notice Peter's Galilean accent and accuse him of being with Jesus. Peter swears and invokes a curse on himself saying he does not know Jesus.
  • After the cock crows, Peter remembers Jesus' words about him denying Jesus three times before the cock crows and he weeps bitterly. Discussion of Peter's guilt and shame but also mention of his redemption where he later affirms Christ three times.