Saint Coleman Church Podcast

A podcast from your parish, Saint Coleman in Pompano Beach


Reflection on St. John the Baptist

On June 24th, the Catholic Church honors Saint John the Baptist, whom Jesus called the greatest born of women. John's divine purpose was prophesied by Isaiah and Malachi, and he is recognized for his call to repentance and his role in identifying Jesus as the Lamb of God.


  • On June 24th, the Catholic Church honors Saint John the Baptist.
  • Jesus himself praised John the Baptist, saying, "Truly, I tell you, among those born of women, there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist. Yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."
  • These words of Jesus highlight the extraordinary role that John the Baptist played in salvation history.
  • Before he was born, John the Baptist was marked for a divine purpose.
  • Isaiah prophesied about a voice crying out in the wilderness: "Prepare the way of the Lord. Make straight in the desert a highway for our God" (Isaiah 40:3).
  • John the Baptist first appears in the Gospel of Luke, where he leaps in his mother Elizabeth's womb at the presence of the unborn Jesus (Luke 1:41).
  • This leaping is commemorated in the second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, the Visitation, highlighting the special connection between John and Jesus.
  • In the Gospel of John, John the Baptist recognizes Jesus as the Messiah, declaring, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world."
  • John the Baptist was bold and fearless, calling for repentance and denouncing Herod Antipas for taking his brother's wife, which led to John's imprisonment and martyrdom.
  • Despite his boldness, John was incredibly humble, saying of Jesus, "I am not worthy to untie the strap of his sandals. He must increase; I must decrease."
  • The Catholic Church venerates John as the last and greatest of the Old Testament prophets, bridging the old and new covenants.
  • The Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist on June 24th is one of the oldest celebrations in the Church.
  • His martyrdom is celebrated separately on August 29th, honoring his unwavering witness to the truth.
  • John's statement, "He must increase; I must decrease," is foundational for spiritual growth, emphasizing humility as essential for deepening our relationship with God.
  • Humility involves recognizing our dependence on God's grace and mercy, fostering a spirit of repentance and true conversion.