Saint Coleman Church Podcast

A podcast from your parish, Saint Coleman in Pompano Beach



61: The Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Justice, Courage and Temperance

In Episode 61 of our podcast, we reflect on the 4 Cardinal Virtues of prudence, courage, justice, and temperance. They're called cardinal virtues because all virtues depend on them. The word cardo in Latin means hinge. All the other virtues depend on them, and we should all be striving to grow in both faith, hope, and love, but the cardinal virtues as well, prudence, courage, justice, and temperance.

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59: Saint Martha, Mary and Lazarus

In Episode 59, we reflect on the lives of Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, we are invited to consider how their examples can inspire us in our own spiritual journeys. Their stories challenge us to find balance in our lives, integrating service with contemplation and nurturing a deep relationship with God.

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58: Reflection on St. John the Baptist

On June 24th, the Catholic Church honors Saint John the Baptist, whom Jesus called the greatest born of women. John's divine purpose was prophesied by Isaiah and Malachi, and he is recognized for his call to repentance and his role in identifying Jesus as the Lamb of God.

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57: Honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary throughout May

It is most fitting that our minds and hearts be directed to focus on Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church throughout the entire month of May. Join us as we talk about the Blessed Mother and learn more about Corpus Christi Sunday

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56: The Light of Christ

In this episode, we explore the symbolism of the Pascal Candle during Easter time. The Pascal Candle is deeply intertwined with the teachings of Jesus, particularly his declaration, "I am the Light of the World." This statement, found in the Gospel of John (John 8:12), underscores the profound spiritual significance of light as a symbol of Christ's presence, guidance, and salvation.

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55: Preview of Lenten Mission with Dr. Mary Amore

An interview with Dr. Mary Amore, who will present this year's Lenten Mission titled "Jesus in the Eucharist" over two evenings on March 20th and March 21st. Doctor Amore holds a Doctor of Ministry degree in Liturgical Studies and a Master of Arts in Word and Worship from Catholic Theological Union. She's a published author and a gifted speaker.

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54: The Season of Lent and the Importance of Eucharistic Revival

In this episode, we delve into the significance of the Lenten season, a time dedicated to introspection, prayer, and spiritual growth. As we navigate the 40-day journey towards Easter, we explore the traditional practices of self-denial, fasting, and almsgiving, inviting listeners to reflect on their personal relationship with Jesus and the integration of their faith into daily life.

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53: February - A Month Dedicated to the Holy Family

Learn more about the Catholic devotion during the month of February to the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and stay up to date on the latest happenings at St. Coleman Catholic Church in Pompano Beach. Also, a reminder to protect yourself from criminals targeting Catholic parishioners in Broward County, Florida.

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51: The Meaning of the Nativity Scene

In this episode, we preview St Coleman’s upcoming Grief Seminar by chatting with John Reininger, LMHC, who will lead 2 sessions in January. Then, we reflect on the meaning of the Nativity Scene by sharing highlights of Pope Francis’ Apostlic Letter on the Nativity.

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50: Advent and the Virtue of Hope

Advent season is underway and it marks the beginning of a new liturgical year. Advent is a term derived from the Latin "Adventus" meaning "coming" or "arrival," and the season is a journey of spiritual preparation for the coming of Christ.

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49: World Day of the Poor

This Sunday is the 7th annual World Day of the Poor, an annual observance of the universal Church. This year, the Vatican has chosen a verse from the Book of Tobit as the theme: Do Not Turn Your Face Away from Anyone Who is Poor.

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48: Saint John Lateran, the Mother Church of Catholics

In this episode we share a bit out the mother church for all Catholics, the Lateran Basilica in Rome. Founded in the early 4th century by Emperor Constantine I, the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran is the oldest public church in the Western world. It has been the official ecclesiastical seat of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope, since its consecration.

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46: The Marian Center School in the Archdiocese of Miami

The mission of the Marian Center is to educate and empower persons with diverse abilities, and nurture them to wholeness, following the Gospel and the Church's call to love, charity and justice. In this episode, we have a conversation with Sister Lidia Valli, the Executive Director/Principal of Marian Center School in Miami. The Marian Center offers services for people with intellectual disabilities, regardless of race, religion or background, and we offer financial aid to all those who qualify.

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44: The Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul

The Catholic Church celebrates The Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul on June 29th. This date on the Liturgical Calendar of the universal Church commemorates the martyrdom in Rome of the apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul, two profoundly influential figures who helped to shape the early Church. Saint Peter, symbolized by the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, is recognized as the first Bishop of Rome and the rock upon which Christ built his Church, while Saint Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, is famed for his epistles that make up a substantial portion of the New Testament. In this episode, we give a background reflection on this Solemnity.

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43: Holy Land Pilgrimage Reflection

Fr Michael and several St. Coleman parishioners will be sharing their experiences from this year's Holy Land Pilgrimage at a special meeting Thursday, June 29th at 7pm in the Holy Family Center. Our parish is taking another pilgrimage in February 2024 and questions will be answered about that upcoming trip.

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40: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 28

In the final episode of Father Michael's Gospel of Matthew Study, we explore the profound narrative of Jesus's resurrection, the angel's message to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, and Jesus's divine command to his disciples. We also discuss the rumor that circulated during Matthew's time and its implications. The episode emphasizes the significance of baptism in becoming a disciple of Christ and concludes with the comforting assurance of Jesus's presence until the end of the age.

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39: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 27

In this episode of Father Michael's "Know Your Faith" series, he delves into Matthew chapter 27, exploring the profound narrative of the Lord's Passion. He discusses the intricate political and religious dynamics that led to Jesus's crucifixion, including the council of the chief priests and elders, their interaction with Governor Pontius Pilate, and the role of Judas. We also examine the significance of key events such as the remorse of Judas, the choice of Barabbas over Jesus, and the crucifixion itself. The episode concludes with the aftermath of Jesus's death, the securing of his tomb, and the anticipation of his resurrection.

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38: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 26 Part 2

In this enlightening episode of Fr Michael's study of the Gospel of Matthew, we dive deeper into Chapter 26, where Jesus is charged with blasphemy after equating himself with God and the subsequent mockery. We also take a look at Peter's three-times denial of Jesus.

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37: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 26 Part 1

In this episode of Fr. Michael's study of the Gospel of Matthew, we explore the beginning of the Lord's Passion, the scheming of the chief priests and elders, and the profound act of a woman anointing Jesus with precious ointment. We discuss the significance of the Passover Feast and the symbolism behind unleavened bread, drawing parallels between the Old Testament Exodus story and the New Testament accounts.

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36: Gospel of Matthew Chapter 25

As Father Michael continues to teach us about the Gospel of Matthew, today he takes us into Chapter 25 to uncover the timeless wisdom found in the parable of the ten maidens, the parable of the talents, and the parable of the sheep and goats, as we explore the themes of readiness, utilizing our God-given gifts, and extending love and mercy to those in need.

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35: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 24

Join us as we explore the two distinct themes present in this chapter: the destruction of the temple, which signifies the end of the Jewish way of life, and the end of the age, also known as the second coming of Jesus. Gain insights into the signs, prophecies, and preparations for the glorious return of Jesus, shedding light on the eternal truth amidst the uncertainty of the future.

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34: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 23

In this episode, Fr. Michael takes us into Matthew Chapter 23, where Jesus addresses the scribes and Pharisees, calling out their hypocrisy and oppressive practices. With piercing words, he unveils the stark contrast between their outward appearances and inner corruption.

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33: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 22

In this episode, we explore Jesus' parables, starting with the marriage feast, which symbolizes the rejection of the Jews and the inclusion of the Gentiles in God's kingdom. We discuss the importance of living a faithful life and embracing the teachings of Jesus, emphasizing that mere belief is not enough. Join Fr. Michael Garcia as he unravels the theological concepts behind Jesus' interactions with the Pharisees, Herodians, and Sadducees, where he navigates questions about paying taxes, the vocation of marriage, and the greatest commandments in the law.

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32: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 21 Part 2

Know Your Faith" dives into the deeper parts of Matthew Chapter 21 in this week's episode. We explore Jesus' return to Jerusalem and the tension it stirs among the religious leaders. We analyze the parables Jesus uses to reprimand the Pharisees and Sadducees for their misuse of power and hypocrisy. Learn about Jesus' prophetic teachings hinting at his future crucifixion and understand how he serves as the new Adam, restoring humanity through complete obedience to God. Join us as we journey through these profound narratives and apply these spiritual lessons to our everyday lives. Tune in, reflect, and deepen your faith with us.

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31: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 21 Part 1

In this insightful episode of "Know Your Faith" with Fr. Michael Garcia, we journey alongside Jesus as he heads south towards Jerusalem, exploring Matthew Chapter 21's rich narratives and theological insights. We investigate the distinct approaches of the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) and contrast them with John's Gospel, each revealing a unique perspective on Jesus' path to Jerusalem. Dive into the significance of Jesus' entrance into the city of David, how his arrival was prophesied, and why Matthew describes it slightly differently from the other gospels.

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30: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 20

In this episode of "Know Your Faith" on the St. Coleman Podcast, Father Micheal takes us into Chapter 20 of the Gospel of Matthew. The chapter begins with the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, emphasizing God's fairness and generosity in rewarding all who turn to Him, regardless of when they come to faith.

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29: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 19 Part 2

Check out Father Michael's insights from the latest episode of "Know Your Faith" as we delve into part 2 of The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 19. This episode focuses on the significant interactions between Jesus and a young man seeking eternal life, the teachings on the approach to God's kingdom, and the concept of radical discipleship. Listen as we discuss how the Disciples grappled with Jesus's call to sacrifice worldly attachments for the Kingdom of God and His promise of their heavenly rewards. We'll also uncover the symbolism behind the notorious 'camel through the eye of a needle' analogy.'

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28: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 19 Part 1

In this first installment of Father Michael Garcia's look at the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 19, we discover Jesus's journey from Galilee to Jerusalem, the Pharisees' testing of Jesus, and His emphasis on the sanctity of marriage.

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27: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 18

As Jesus continues his journey towards Jerusalem, he imparts crucial lessons to his disciples. Using a child as a powerful symbol, Jesus highlights the virtues of humility and complete dependence on God. He warns against causing others to stumble, urging us to be vigilant and resist temptation. Through vivid language, Jesus emphasizes the gravity of sin and the importance of making every effort to avoid it.

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26: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 17

Fr. Michael Garcia teaches on the Transfiguration and explores the significance of Peter, James, and John's presence, the appearance of Moses and Elijah, and the subsequent divine endorsement from God the Father. In this chapter, we also read about Jesus' prophecies about his own passion, death, and resurrection, the role of faith in performing miracles, and the eventual establishment of the Christian Church.

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25: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 16

Explore the depths of Matthew Chapter 16 in 'Know Your Faith', as we journey with Jesus around the Sea of Galilee and witness crucial interactions with the Pharisees, Sadducees, and his disciples. Discover the profound significance of 'the sign of Jonah', the importance of Peter's declaration, and the foreshadowing of Christ's passion, death, and resurrection

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24: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 15

In our latest episode, we examine Matthew Chapter 15, delving into the challenging conversations between Jesus and the Pharisees, Jesus' healing miracles, and his teachings about what truly defiles a person. We highlight the crucial role of faith as demonstrated by a Canaanite woman.

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23: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 14

On the Saint Coleman Podcast we're continuing our study of the Gospel of Matthew. In Chapter 14, we read about John the Baptist's tragic fate and the awe-inspiring miracle of Jesus walking on water.

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22: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 13

In this episode, we delve into Matthew chapter 13, exploring the transition from Jesus's healing ministry to His use of parables. We discuss the profound significance of parables and how they convey deeper truths.

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21: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 12

In this episode of the Saint Coleman Podcast, we delve into Matthew Chapter 12, where Jesus performs miracles, challenges the religious authorities, and expands the concept of family to include those who do the will of the Father in heaven.

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20: Gospel of Matthew Chapter 11

In this episode, we delve into Matthew Chapter 11. Join us as we explore the significance of the miracles of Jesus as signs of his identity as the Messiah and uncover the purpose and role of John the Baptist in preparing hearts for the coming of the Messiah.

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19: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 10

In this episode, we delve into Matthew chapter 10, where Jesus gathers his handpicked apostles and commissions them to proclaim his teachings. As we explore the names and backgrounds of the twelve apostles, we discover the significance of their role in passing on the faith. Jesus prepares them for the challenges they will face, emphasizing the eternal over the temporal and urging them not to fear persecutions. We examine the profound message of prioritizing love for God above all else, even within families. Join Fr. Michael as he unpacks the powerful lessons and encouragement Jesus imparts to his disciples in their mission to spread the gospel.

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18: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 9

In Chapter 9 of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus continued to perform miracles and reveal his Messianic authority. From healing a paralytic and forgiving his sins to calling Matthew, the tax collector, to be his apostle, Jesus demonstrates compassion and the power to restore dignity. In this episode, we explore the significance of faith and witness the profound encounters between Jesus and individuals seeking healing.

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17: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 8

In today's podcast, we dive into Matthew chapter eight, exploring the miracles performed by Jesus as he comes down from the mountain after delivering his sermon on the Mount of Beatitudes. These miracles serve as signs of the Messianic age and point to Jesus' identity as the Son of God.

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16: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 7

This week, Fr. Michael Garcia dives deep into Matthew chapter 7, delving further into the teachings of Jesus, the significance of the number seven in the Gospel, and the path to holiness. Check out this episode to uncover the valuable insights that Fr. Michael shares from the Bible and how they can be applied to our daily lives.

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15: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 6

In this episode, we delve into Matthew chapter 6, uncovering the timeless wisdom shared by Jesus on matters of piety, prayer, and priorities. Join Fr. Michael as he unpacks the significance of genuine acts of faith, the intimate nature of prayer, and the transformative power of the Lord's Prayer.

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14: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 5 Part 2

Dive into the profound wisdom of Jesus Christ as Father Michael delves into his transformative teachings from the book of Matthew. This enlightening episode presents a deeper understanding of Jesus' perspectives on marriage, anger, and adultery, intricately unpacking these timeless teachings.

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13: The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 5 Part 1

Join us in this enlightening episode of "Know Your Faith" we Father Michael Garcia as we journey through the opening verses of Matthew Chapter 5. We explore the significance of the Beatitudes in the context of the Gospel, deconstructing notions of recompense theology and highlighting the pivotal shift Jesus introduces in understanding rewards and salvation. Delving into Jesus's sermons delivered from a high hill near Capernaum, we discover the richness of Biblical symbolism and geographic context. We also explore how Jesus emerges as the fulfiller, not abolisher, of the law, enhancing the moral aspects that bind faith and action inseparably. This episode is the first of a multi-part look at the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 5.

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12: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 4

Join us in this thought-provoking episode as we delve into the significance of the temptation of Jesus in the desert. We explore how this chapter highlights the intriguing concept of God Himself being tempted by the devil and the importance of Jesus' human nature. Discover how Jesus shows us how to overcome temptation and why nobody is immune to its allure. Be prepared to embark on a journey of self-reflection and discover timeless wisdom on overcoming temptation and embracing the teachings of Jesus.

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11: Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 3

In this episode, Fr. Michael delves into the profound insights of Matthew Chapter Three. Before exploring the chapter, Fr. Michael lays the groundwork by examining the historical context be explaining the three prominent Jewish sects of the time: the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes. Then, we then turn our attention to the central figure of this chapter: John the Baptist. Drawing inspiration from the Essenes, he preaches repentance and inner conversion in the wilderness of Judea.

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10: The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 2 - Part 2

In this episode of Know Your Faith, Father Michael discusses the story of the flight to Egypt. After the Magi visit Jesus, an angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him to take Jesus and Mary to Egypt. Herod, the king of Judea, is afraid of Jesus and wants to kill him. Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt and stay there until Herod dies.

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9: The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 2 Part 1

In this episode, Father Michael Garcia discusses the story of the Magi, who were astrologers from the east who followed a star to Bethlehem to worship the newborn Jesus. Father Michael explains the significance of the Magi's visit and how it points to Jesus' identity as the Messiah.

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6: A Preview of Our Lenten Mission with Dr. Carol Razza and Understanding Our Baptismal Dignity

In this episode we meet Dr. Carol Razza, a professor at Saint Vincent de Paul Seminary in Boynton Beach, Florida. Dr. Razza will be presenting our Lenten Mission on March 22nd and March 23rd. Also, we share details of our trip with R.C.I.A. students down to the Rite of Election at the Cathedral of Saint Mary. Finally, we reflect on our Baptismal Dignity we all have as Catholics.

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3: Reflecting on Our Baptism and Teaching Children the Faith

In our third episode, we talk to Tara Rowan, a volunteer Catechist in our Sunday morning religious education program about the joys of sharing the Gospel with children. Then, as we release this episode on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we reflect on the importance of remembering our baptism and our commission as missionary disciples.

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